New Retro Arcade: Neon is now -33% OFF!
Dear Retro Enthusiasts, Tell your friends because New Retro Arcade: Neon is now -33% OFF! (Offer ends 7 April) Future plans for Neon are coming together smoothly and another update will be shipped in the near future. Try be patient, we’ll get there! For those who do not know, we have a Discord Channel for NRA:N. Feel free to join and hopefully see you there. Thanks so much for the support, we’re a great team!. – Joe Have fun, Digital Cybercherries Ltd ...
Fixed Attract Audio crash, and Attract audio limit and more!
Dear Neon Fanatics, We have some awesome stuff planned for New Retro Arcade: Neon in the future, but for now, here are a few fixes here and there. Enjoy! Here are the latest patch notes: Major Fixes: Press the HOME button to reload all custom textures in the game instantly. Also increased texture load times for custom artwork. Fixed Attract Audio crash, and Attract audio limit. Also improved load times and memory usage of Attract Audio files. Moderate Fixes: Radio volume can be adjusted with the console command: nra.RadioVolume Minor Fixes: Special and Lightgun Arcades can now be tested correctly in the Arcade Preview Map. ArcadeMachineDisabled has been added to the Arcade Builder and can now be customised. Misc Fixes: Genesis / Mega Drive Emulators working on Windows 10 due to PicoDrive emulator update. FPS Cabinets are now in the correct order in the Arcade Builder. On a side note, we have a lovely Discord Channel for NRA:N that you may wish to ...
HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed – Development Update – WIP Maps!
THIS IS JUST A PREVIEW, NO UPDATE HAS BEEN RELEASED. Hi everyone, Some of you might be thinking, the maps shown below look very different to what we have currently been playing? There is a reason for this. Before we jump straight to the screenshots, I’d like to explain our plans for the next new environments, in relation to gameplay. The biggest challenge Unboxed faced was fundamentally, its core gameplay. Currently, the mechanics essentially involve players defending a Core from a “line formation of enemy A.I”. This may seem well and dandy, but it does not offer much diversity. I’ll be brutally honest with you. We focused far too much on the aesthetics rather than gameplay, or more to the point, the fun factor. Our new target is to allow much more scalability, freedom of movement, to be able to transverse the environment while defending your objective. Enemies will attack more dynamically, charging from different angles, spawning from areas that ...
Message to our Community
Hello everyone, So, I know things have been very quiet at our end and now that most of the dust has settled, I’d like to briefly explain what has been going on. Unfortunately, within our team, and due to unforeseen circumstances, we’ve had some major restructuring. This involved some of our beloved members venturing onto new things. We wish them the best of luck and cannot explain how thankful we are for all their hard work and dedication to our projects. I can appreciate it may seem very unusual for us to be this inactive in terms of communication with you all, especially in view of how responsive and transparent we usually are. It was never our intention for this to happen. Most of you probably do not know, but Digital Cybercherries consists of only a small team, (even smaller now,) and we do not have an actual studio. We all work from home and some developers are in different countries. In fact, many ...